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Writer's pictureChristine George

A Guide to Real Estate Marketing Trends

A Guide to Real Estate Marketing Trends

Gone are the days when a simple "For Sale" sign in the yard was enough to catch buyers' attention. These days, real estate marketing is evolving quickly, and if you want to stay ahead, you’ve got to embrace new strategies and ideas.

Whether you’re a seasoned agent or just getting started, knowing the latest real estate marketing trends is key to your success. With buyers searching for homes online, it’s time to freshen up your real estate marketing strategy. It’s no longer just about being online–it’s about using innovative real estate marketing ideas to connect with your audience.

From social media to traditional methods, let's explore the new trends shaping the real estate marketing world!

Harnessing the Power of Video Content for Your Listings

Video content isn’t just a nice-to-have anymore--it’s a MUST!

Did you know that the use of video in real estate listings has skyrocketed by a staggering 403%? Crazy, right? Buyers are on the lookout for more interactive and immersive content—because let’s face it, scrolling through static images just doesn’t cut it anymore!

For example, you could also offer virtual tours that let potential buyers walk through the property from the comfort of their couch. Or you can highlight some unique features of each room, or even do a quick Q&A session addressing common buyer questions.

Plus, it also shows you’re up-to-date with the latest trends. So grab your camera and start creating some amazing content!

Harnessing the Power of Video Content for Your Listings

Social Media: Your Marketing Connector

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are more than just places to share cat videos; they're powerful tools for building and nurturing relationships. Think of it as a cocktail party where you show up as your authentic self. People do business with those they know, like, and trust and social media is the perfect way to cultivate that trust.

I encourage the 80/20 rule: 80% personal content and 20% business. Share that healthy mix of personal stories, listings, sales, and valuable educational content. This approach helps you connect on a personal level while still showcasing your expertise. For instance, share that amazing house you staged or a personal story that resonates with your audience.

And don't forget to leverage Instagram Stories and Reels to give followers a behind-the-scenes look at your business. It's these personal touches that make your audience feel connected and engaged.

Whenever I discuss social media, I always recommend my colleague, Katie Lance, a social media strategist for real estate. Her insights can help you refine your strategy and make the most of these platforms!

And remember, targeted ads can also help you reach specific demographics in your area, ensuring you connect with the right people. Social media is a key player in your real estate marketing strategy, helping you build relationships that lead to business success.

Email Marketing: Still Going Strong! 

You might think email marketing is old news, but it's a powerhouse in real estate! With an impressive ROI of $36 for every $1 spent, it's a strategy you can't afford to ignore. My digital course, Clicks to Closings, dives deep into harnessing the full potential of email marketing.

You can start by building an email list of interested buyers and share valuable content like market reports and home-buying guides. Also, sending out regular newsletters with updates on new listings, market trends, and some handy tips for buyers and sellers can help you strengthen your relationships with clients and boost those conversion rates!

Embracing Automation and AI 

Have you noticed how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and chatbots are transforming customer service in the real estate world? It’s pretty cool, right?

Just imagine having a chatbot on your website that can provide instant answers to frequently asked questions. Now you can focus your time and energy on those more challenging inquiries that need your expertise.

But wait, there’s more!

These tools aren’t just handy for quick answers–they’re also fantastic for analyzing data and spotting market trends, keeping you ahead of the game, and offering your clients personalized recommendations tailored just for them.

Mobile-Friendliness: A Must-Have!

That’s why your website is crucial for validating your business and providing social proof. And while potential clients might search for homes on big portals like Zillow, Redfin, and, they visit your site to ensure you're the real deal.

Imagine someone wanting to learn more about you after seeing your listings elsewhere. If your site is slow to load or difficult to navigate on a phone, they might question your professionalism and move on–or worse, hop over to a competitor's site. That’s why a responsive design that loads quickly and is easy to use can make all the difference in building trust and credibility.

Plus, not only does a mobile-friendly site enhance user experience, but it also boosts your SEO ranking—like the cherry on top! So keep it simple and effective to ensure your website serves as a strong validation tool for your business.

Stay Ahead with Continuous Learning

Stay Ahead with Continuous Learning

In the fast-paced world of real estate marketing, change is the only constant—kind of like your coffee intake during open houses! And to keep up with the latest trends, you’ve got to embrace continuous learning and be ready to shake things up. Think of it as a never-ending quest for the Holy Grail of marketing strategies.

You can start by exploring my digital course, designed to equip you with cutting-edge real estate marketing ideas. It's packed with insights and practical tips to help you stay ahead of the curve! You can also join my private Facebook group, Raise*U, where you can connect with like-minded professionals, share experiences, and gain valuable insights.

And don't miss out on my podcast too, Know Like Trust for Real Estate, where I dive deep into the latest trends and strategies with industry experts. It's like having a mentor in your pocket, ready to inspire and inform you on the go!

So yes, attend those workshops, devour industry blogs like they’re the latest bestsellers, and mingle with your peers—because who knows? Your next great idea might come from that awkward small talk at a networking event.

Start with A Zoom Chat!

At Post & Beam Creative, we’re committed to empowering you to create a marketing strategy that aligns with your unique value proposition. Helping REALTORS like you outpace the competition is what gets us out of bed in the morning.

Let’s talk. Book a free 30-minute web conference with Christine today.

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